Monday, May 18, 2020

Artwork by Susan Blasi

Singing Chef

 Music and Artwork have a way of going together like peanut butter and jelly or chocolate and raspberries. Here are a few samples of her artwork. Isn't she incredible? She captures colors, whimsical expression, and the joys of childhood all in a single brushstroke. I cannot brag about her enough.

If you would like to reach out to Susan, send her an email at She would love to hear from you.

Check out more of Susan's illustrations in my new book, "Something to Sing About" Here.

All the Best,


Children Singing

Treble Clef

Thursday, May 14, 2020

The Choral Window - Learn. Serve. Inspire. Sing On

Herbert Washington (Artistic Director of the Phoenix Boys Choir) just started this incredible website for choral directors. It's called the Choral Window. Check it out! :)

Their tagline: An Accessible and Effective Rehearsal Resource for Choral Educators

Get warm-up ideas, music literacy lessons, and training from professional conductors all over the world. Have something to share? You can contribute your resources to the website!

Monday, May 11, 2020

Catharsis: A Virtual Choir Concert

I conduct a choral ensemble in my home town of Gilbert, AZ called Brevity Chorus. We had the privilege of getting to participate in a virtual concert put together by the organization Muse Phoenix.

You can watch the full concert here:

All the Best!


Sunday, May 3, 2020

Fun Distance Learning Activity for Music Class

Travel Around the World in Your 
Very Own Home

I recently put this lesson together for my students. It's simple, fun, and educational! I've included a short video I created for my students that goes with the lesson. Happy Traveling!

Have you ever been fascinated with a particular country or region of the world? Today, I invite you to go on a journey to the country of your choosing. The beauty is that you don’t even need to pack a bag or leave your home!So, let’s get started:


Step # 1: Choose the country of your choice

Step # 2: Learn about the music that comes from that country. Answer the following questions:

  • Who performs it?
  • What is the style of music called?
  • When is it performed (i.e. at home, for various festivals, religious ceremonies, etc.)
  • Where is it traditionally performed?
  • Why is it performed? What is the purpose?

Step # 3: Try to find some recordings of your chosen country’s music. You can find recordings on Itunes, Spotify, YouTube, or just ask Alexa. :) 

Step # 4: Write a short paragraph describing the music you are hearing. Include your thoughts about the music. Did you like it? If yes, why? Maybe you didn’t like it. If not, how come?

Step # 5: Draw a picture of your chosen country’s flag.

Step # 6: Pray for the people of your chosen country. Pray for their health and safety and that God would turn the people in this country to Him.


Consider finding a recipe from this country and preparing it for your family. You can set the mood by playing music from your chosen country while preparing and serving your dish. Enjoy!!!!

Old, Retro, Antique, Vintage, Classic