Sunday, September 6, 2020

The Time to Create

I was looking at these pictures from the Houston Benefit Concert I helped plan back in October 2017. It made me so happy to see these pictures today. There was an audience, live music, a stage, and a mic. If you're like me, all these things make me very happy! I've missed attending concerts, directing concerts, going to the symphony, performing in gigs, or just listening to live music over the last six months.

I got to thinking and asking the question, "What can I do NOW?" I've got a call to action for you and an ask from one fellow music-lover to another...

Let's be creative and find ways to still make meaningful music together. Let's not be fearful, but lean into the artists we are. This is the time to create, to practice, to prepare, to work out those arrangements you've had in your mind but are putting off for that perfect day. Why wait?? That "perfect day" will never come. DO IT NOW! 

Bring to life all the budding musical ideas in your brain that are just waiting to be birthed. Because one day, we will be back together making music and performing. And when that day comes, we will be ready! We will have used our time well. Take this time TODAY to perfect your art and do it for your own joy.

Keep the music-making alive! Share your creativity with who you can, how you can. The world will be blessed, and so will you! Share your gift and get it ready for that special day when live performances will begin again! And might I add, never underestimate an audience of One. He delights in you!

Colossians 3:23 "Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men,"


Lisa (Something to Sing About)

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Virtual Choir Conductor

Dear Fellow Choral Conductors,

Can you relate to one of the following feelings?

  • Feeling discouraged about the pandemic and its impact on live choral singing?
  • Feeling overwhelmed by the technological know-how required to lead successful rehearsals online?
  • Feeling overwhelmed at the thought of recording/editing virtual choir videos?
  • Feeling uncertain about which platforms to use and concerned about the cost for your singers?

Well, I have some exciting news for you! The incredible Dr. Erica Glenn is here to come to your rescue. She is offering to be your very own Mentor and Coach as you delve into the virtual world. Most of us are scared and overwhelmed at the thought of where to turn for advice and "how to" help. Don't be overwhelmed any longer.

There is HOPE! You'll find all you need to know right here!

Watch a 5-minute intro to what can do for YOU and your ensemble!

Take this virtual tour of the Member Hub to familiarize yourself with the layout.

Reach out to Dr. Erica Glenn if you have any questions or just want to know more about Virtual Choir Conductor.

Choral singing will remain alive and well! Let Virtual Choir Conductor be the one to help you make this possible! :)

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Music Ed Tech Conference 2020

Hi Everyone,

I wanted to share a fabulous FREE conference with you called Music Ed Tech 2020! Learn how to teach music effectively in our current situation. 

Place Of Work Women, Modern Office

Registration closed on Monday. However, you can still view all sessions. Just click on "Schedule" on the top right menu to see all session offerings.

It's going to be a great line-up of instruction. You don't want to miss it! :)

Lisa Blasi

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Conversation with Mike Leavitt

Yesterday I had the privilege of getting to speak with Mike Leavitt on his new podcast And if Love Remains. Mike is a fantastic jazz musician and music teacher right in my neck of woods. I've had the opportunity to get to perform with Mike on a variety of occasions and have had his jazz group Fascinating Rhythms perform at multiple concerts I've organized. I look forward to the day I'll get to collaborate with Mike again!

In our conversation, we talk about singing, music, and my new book Something to Sing About. Check out our conversation HERE!

Listen to other fascinating conversations from Mike's blog HERE!

Blessings to you all!


Thursday, June 18, 2020

Virtual Choir Camp - How Can I Keep From Singing?

A couple of months ago, my incredible friend and colleague Erica Glenn asked if I would be willing to help run a virtual choir camp this summer. I thought to myself, "A virtual choir camp? How will that work?" To say I was apprehensive would be an understatement.

But Erica is one of those people who charges through any challenge. She is undeterred by difficult things, and has the most keen knack for innovation and creativity. So with all that being said, somehow I said yes, I would help run this virtual choir camp. I had no idea what I was getting myself into.

My mind raced with questions... What will this look like? How is this going to work? Will I be able to teach students virtually? Honestly, I was scared to death and frustrated at the thought of not being able to teach the students in person. But I decided to push past my fears and dive off the deep end.

As this week has gone on, I've seen joy and smiles on the sweet faces of my campers. They are singing, they are engaged, and they are loving it!!! Music making is still happening in the homes of these campers from all over the world!

This week, I learned so much. I learned how to lead an online choral rehearsal. I learned how to interact with students through a screen and still feel a connection with them. I learned that even if we are not in the same room together, we can still make music together.

The biggest lesson I learned this week:

Say yes even when you're afraid. Wonderful things can happen when you have a little courage and take the plunge.

We Music Educators will keep the music making alive! Nothing can stop us! Let's be bold and brave together as we learn new ways to keep music in the lives of our precious children!

Check out more pictures from camp here!

Friday, June 5, 2020

Interview with Augusto Paglialunga

Over the last few years, I have had the privilege of getting to study with the incredible voice teacher Gus Paglialunga. Gus has contributed to the art of singing by studying, performing, and teaching the skill. He has traveled all over the globe to share the gift of song. His passion, love, and commitment to excellence in singing are truly inspirational. Gus has impacted me as a singer, musician, and teacher in such a huge way. I thank God for the opportunity He's given me to study with Gus.

As a tribute to Gus and his legacy, I asked if I could interview him and get some insight into his journey as a singer and teacher. Included below are two videos from an interview I did with Gus last week.

Check out some of Gus's recordings after the interview. Enjoy!

Recordings of Gus:

Monday, May 18, 2020

Artwork by Susan Blasi

Singing Chef

 Music and Artwork have a way of going together like peanut butter and jelly or chocolate and raspberries. Here are a few samples of her artwork. Isn't she incredible? She captures colors, whimsical expression, and the joys of childhood all in a single brushstroke. I cannot brag about her enough.

If you would like to reach out to Susan, send her an email at She would love to hear from you.

Check out more of Susan's illustrations in my new book, "Something to Sing About" Here.

All the Best,


Children Singing

Treble Clef

Thursday, May 14, 2020

The Choral Window - Learn. Serve. Inspire. Sing On

Herbert Washington (Artistic Director of the Phoenix Boys Choir) just started this incredible website for choral directors. It's called the Choral Window. Check it out! :)

Their tagline: An Accessible and Effective Rehearsal Resource for Choral Educators

Get warm-up ideas, music literacy lessons, and training from professional conductors all over the world. Have something to share? You can contribute your resources to the website!

Monday, May 11, 2020

Catharsis: A Virtual Choir Concert

I conduct a choral ensemble in my home town of Gilbert, AZ called Brevity Chorus. We had the privilege of getting to participate in a virtual concert put together by the organization Muse Phoenix.

You can watch the full concert here:

All the Best!


Sunday, May 3, 2020

Fun Distance Learning Activity for Music Class

Travel Around the World in Your 
Very Own Home

I recently put this lesson together for my students. It's simple, fun, and educational! I've included a short video I created for my students that goes with the lesson. Happy Traveling!

Have you ever been fascinated with a particular country or region of the world? Today, I invite you to go on a journey to the country of your choosing. The beauty is that you don’t even need to pack a bag or leave your home!So, let’s get started:


Step # 1: Choose the country of your choice

Step # 2: Learn about the music that comes from that country. Answer the following questions:

  • Who performs it?
  • What is the style of music called?
  • When is it performed (i.e. at home, for various festivals, religious ceremonies, etc.)
  • Where is it traditionally performed?
  • Why is it performed? What is the purpose?

Step # 3: Try to find some recordings of your chosen country’s music. You can find recordings on Itunes, Spotify, YouTube, or just ask Alexa. :) 

Step # 4: Write a short paragraph describing the music you are hearing. Include your thoughts about the music. Did you like it? If yes, why? Maybe you didn’t like it. If not, how come?

Step # 5: Draw a picture of your chosen country’s flag.

Step # 6: Pray for the people of your chosen country. Pray for their health and safety and that God would turn the people in this country to Him.


Consider finding a recipe from this country and preparing it for your family. You can set the mood by playing music from your chosen country while preparing and serving your dish. Enjoy!!!!

Old, Retro, Antique, Vintage, Classic

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Webinar - Using Your Voice With Ease When Teaching Online

Hi All,

This past week, I lead a webinar called, Online Lessons and Easing Your Voice. I offer tips and suggestions to help keep your voice in tip-top shape when teaching on FaceTime, Zoom, or other online platforms. Thank you to Neil Moore and the amazing Simply Music team for the opportunity to lead this webinar!

Check it out:


1.      Objectives for the workshop
·         Help to ease your voice when teaching online (tools and strategies)
·         Healthy phonation and vocal production for sustained use
·         Self-awareness and mindfulness when speaking

2.      Categories
·         Posture
·         Breathing
·         Resonant Voice/Onset
·         Self-Awareness/Mindfulness

3.      Posture
·         How to sit at the piano
·         Head
·         Chin
·         Neck
·         Shoulders
·         Sternum/Ribs
·         Feet flat on the ground
·         Where is your camera positioned?

4.      Breathing – Deep, Diaphragmatic Breathing compared to Shallow, Clavicle Breathing
·         Nostril Breathing
·         Straw Breathing
·         Silent Breath
·         In through nose/Out on “sss” or “tss”
·         Lip Buzzing

 Resonant Voice – Sinus Cavities
·         Sinus cavities in the face
·         Straw (semi-occluded vocal tract)
·         Humming (with and without straw)
·         Siren
·         Head upside down
·         Gentle Onset (compared to hard onset and glottal fry)

6.      Self-Awareness/Mindfulness
·         How loud are you speaking
·         Wearing Headphones
·         Purchasing a microphone
·         How you are sitting
·         Where is your camera located?
·         Avoid glottal fry
·         How are you beginning sentences when you speak?

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Online Piano Lessons

Good Morning,

I hope you are all doing well. I would like to share with you all that I am now teaching online Simply Music lessons. Students around the world can learn to play piano from their living rooms by simply using Zoom or FaceTime. 

Please contact me if you are interested in starting to learn the piano using an incredibly groundbreaking method.

Email -

I look forward to hearing from you and answering any questions you might have.


Piano, Hands, Music, Musician, Keyboard, Instrument